Oris Lab LLP

Oris Lab creates unique fintech solutions that combine blockchain with traditional finance.

Due to the author's developments of our specialists, extensive experience in the financial and IT fields, we are ready to help companies in automating processes.

We are specialists with extensive experience

in the world of finance and IT.

We build infrastructure for governments, financial institutions,

largest enterprises, merchants, and help create a bridge

between companies and blockchain.

Oris Lab
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    All copyright licenses.
    You can view it by clicking on the cards.
    IT audit by Group-IB

    In the spring of 2023, Group-IB's audit and consulting team conducted comprehensive vulnerability testing and assessed the level of security of Oris Lab's external infrastructure.

    Our team
    • Alexander Kolokhmatov
      General director
    • Galiya Akhmetzhanova
      Executive director
    • Elena Blumkina
      Chief accountant
    • Saule Gabdulgazizova
      Head of the legal department
    • Tatyana Malkova
      Administrative Manager
    • Nikolay Vinokurtsev
      System Administrator
    • Aleksandr Vikhlyaev
      Software Engineer
    • Anel Kabyltaeva
      IT Specialist
    • Dаriуа Sеidаliуеvа
    Our partners and clients
    Our social networks
    Thanks to the proprietary developments of our specialists and extensive experience in the financial and IT sectors, we assist companies in automating processes.
    We are participants of the "Astana Hub" technopark.

    BIN: 130640019840
    Current account: KZ746017131000027170

    Bank: JSC "Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan"

    Legal address: 65 Baishishek Street, Bostandyq District, Almaty, 050044, Kazakhstan
    +7 727 225 5712,
    +7 727 225 5711

    Email: office@oris.space
    Our projects
    Our services